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World Indigenous Peoples Day celebration.
WIth the support of Indigenous Information network and other partners,We were able to celebrate the Indigenous Peoples Day.In attendance were elders,youths and women.Our major focus was discussions on ways to restore our ecosytems,climate change mitigation measures and use of Traditional knowledge to preserve and protect our biodiversity

Tree Planting
The indigenous women at Olorukoti resource and knowledge centre plant trees which they sell .This activity is a major source of income to women in the various women group.

Indigenous women workshop
Olorukoti Resource and knowledge centre have indigenous women workshops where women are trained on aspects such as economic empowerment,land rights and leadership

Library service
Olorukoti center has a small library with different books on different issues; there is still need to enhance the library. The center is also expecting to develop its research department so as to look at the evolvement of the different Maasai communities from different clans with different dynamics that impact in their social,economic and political perspective.

Launch of technical working groups on teenage pregnancy
Indigenous women and youths from Olorukoti Knowledge and resource centre went to Narok for launch of working groups to end teenage pregnancies in Narok County

Water harvesting projects
Due to Inadequate availability of water during dry season, the people from Olorukoti centre and community harvest water during rainy seasons to be used during dry season.

Enviromental Conservation
The Indigenous Women from Olorukoti takes an initiative of conserving their environment by planting trees and always ensuring that the trees are well taken care of.

Viva Girls Training
Viva Girls training took place at Enooreti Methodist church Kilgoris. The girls were trained on issues such as harmful culturalpractices,education,peer pressure, drug abuse and the impacts of covid 19 pandemic on them

Indigenous Women workshop,Oloibor Soito
The meeting was attended by 41 participants from 9 women groups, namely; Emparan, Nadupoi, Ewangan Elatia, Elatia Naparana, Nabulu 2020, Nailepu Widows, Empiris, attracting two new women groups; Olkeju Rongai and Natasha.The Agenda for the meeting was todiscuss about economic empowerment,land rights,insecurities in the area and issues affecting their children especially girls during the Covid-19 Pandemic