The English men once said education is the key to success but again you don’t only have to go school in order to make it in life am flashbacking the kind of life our ancestors lived where school was a vocabulary and a place where the children who were not loved or valued by their parents were sent. Traditional knowledge is originally cultured oriented and it is essential to the cultural identity of the society in which its regulated and secured. It’s used from ancient times by tribal people and by indigenous local communities under the local laws, customs and culture.it has been transferred and expanded from one generation to another and its playing a very important role in making a country more developed it gives a chance for traditional based artistic or scientific work, performance, inventions, scientific discoveries, designs, marks, names and symbols, undisclosed information, all other traditional based inventions and creations resulting from intellectual activity. Can you imagine all this without indigenous people? And yet they taken for granted with all this knowledge that cannot be even acquired in class. If you mention about traditional knowledge and fail to mention the indigenous people, then there are more chances that you don’t understand what you are talking about.
For indigenous communities, the main focus is to protect the traditional knowledge and the focal point on fundamental justice and the prosperity to protect and safeguard their traditions.in the globalized world, traditional knowledge somehow gained special importance which have seen an outburst in the demand for herbal medicines. These herbal and traditional method for making these medicine is taking an important part of human health. In case of complaint about indigestion or stomach ache, grandmother prepares ginger, or aloe Vera which solves the problem immediately. People living in the village use small branches of Neem as toothbrush which also used to treat fungal infection on skins. and in cause of cough or cold we use basil leaves to get rid of it all this knowledge from the indigenous people.
Promotion of traditional knowledge on medicine and health is one of the areas of focus of Olorukoti Resource and Knowledge Center and many people especially women and youth have learnt a lot through trainings on traditional knowledge and many have applied in their real life for example during the COVID 19 pandemic the lives of many women improved from the sale of herbal medicine since many people moved from urban to rural areas in fear of the disease therefore they relied so much on traditional herbs. Traditional medicine serves the vast majority of people in developing countries where access to modern health care services and medicine is limited by economic and cultural reasons. It’s the only affordable treatment available to poor people and in remote communities like how most of them do in Trans Mara west and south where access to better roads is still a challenge.
Traditional knowledge constitutes an ancient knowledge of humanity, the deepest layer on which our science and culture have developed, the local solutions that have allowed the creation and management of ecosystem and cultural landscape on the entire surface of the planet.it helps to find useful solutions to current problems sometimes in combination with modern scientific and technological knowledge also plays a key role in the preservation and sustainability of diversity. Many activities based on traditional knowledge are important sources of income, food, healthcare for the indigenous people. It is being rapidly lost as local ecosystems are degraded and traditional communities are intergraded into wider society.